
"Quién Dijo Miedo" is the Spaniard arrogant sound of Bull y Los Búfalos, both surprising and delighting. Recorded at Magoo Studios, it presents a rough luxurious track entitled " “Cafeína Y Rock And Roll”, an intense rock with "AC/DC" urban reminiscences, and catchy riffs and lyrics that shout the truth to your face: - "Life is short but intense." – is the first line of this gorgeous song that by itself is worth buying the album. There's more: songs like "Chica de Calendario", "Paralizado", where the harmonica gives the music its body and soul, "Motín en la Prisión" with Jorge Martinez (Ilegales) playing guitar with awesome riffs and Elvis Presley´s presence, "Vives Hibernada", that is more relaxed and leads to "Jóvenes Eternos", a song with a clear message about eternal youth. Finally, "Un Minuto Más", mellow and sentimental - "One more minute, a second could be eternity... if you're not here" - "Mexico", a fun and youthful tribute to the Aztec country wrapped up by a sensual and descriptive harmonica, "Camino al Paraíso", a folk tune that pleasantly reminds us of Lynyrd Skynyrd´s "Sweet Home Alabama", and "Alguien Mejor Que Yo", that masterfully closes the album with extreme guitars, pure Rock n'Roll and of which a video clip was filmed. Bull y Los Búfalos is a sure bet for fun and Rock n'Roll. The classic, the lifelong legend.